
Learn & Grow with Others

Class Group sitting in a circle

We have a variety of adult classes meeting each Sunday morning to learn and grow together.

Class Group sitting in a circle

A variety of classes are offered throughout the year help deepen your journey of faith and relationship with God.

Relational Ministries

Women. Group of women smiling.

The Bridge Young Adults

Older Adults. Primetimers.

Special Needs. Hands forming a heart

Our Neighbors. Woman blowing dandelion seeds


Marriage. Wedding rings on Bible


Upcoming Events

appear here when available


Serve / Volunteer


Discipleship Resources

We hope you will find the following resources helpful in your journey to deepen your faith and grow in discipleship.


Rita Thompson
Director of Adult Discipleship

office: 512-258-6017 x283

Erin Temple
Director of Communications & Pastoral Care Coordinator

office: 512-258-6017 ext 281