
House of Friends Respite Program

Adults Care

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

House of Friends (HOF) is a weekly program offered free of charge to individuals with dementia who are being cared for at home by family members. Volunteers are a vital part of our program's success.

  • Volunteer Requirements - Sensitivity to those with dementia, completion of application and background check, completion of training, commitment to serve at least one Thursday each month
  • Buddies (interacts regularly with participants) - particularly need more men to be buddies
  • Program Leadership - Assistant Director, Training Coordinator, Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator, Grant Writer, Librarian
  • Service Volunteer - Food preparation, data entry, Administrative Assistant
  • Specialty Volunteer - Music, art, plant, hospitality, etc.
  • Bilingual Volunteer - Currently seeking a volunteer who speaks Spanish and one who speaks Arabic 
Contact: Susie Petersen



Phone Number