
Welcome to Worship at Bethany



choir singing
Sunday Mornings | 8:45 AM
Worship Center
Worship Online

We worship God through the rich heritage of United Methodist liturgy, hymns, and an inspirational message.

  • Music is led by the Bethany Choir and organ, sometimes including the orchestra, handbells, and soloists.
  • Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Children are always welcome in worship! There is an activity table each week to reinforce the worship experience and a special children's message on 2nd Sundays.
  • Bethany Café, 8:15 - 11:30 AM:  Breakfast tacos, bakery items & coffee (located in the Fellowship Hall)


Messengers of Grace Singers
Sunday Mornings | 11:15 AM
Worship Center
Worship Online

Come as you are and leave changed by the grace of God. We connect with God through worship that combines the ancient traditions of the church with modern music and a relevant teaching message.

  • Music is led by Modern Worship Team
  • Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Children are always welcome in worship! There is an activity table each week to reinforce the worship experience and a special children's message on 2nd Sundays.
  • Bethany Café, 8:15 - 11:30 AM:  Breakfast tacos, bakery items & coffee (located in the Fellowship Hall)


Saturday Evenings | 5:00 PM
Grimes Chapel*

*BEGINNING MAR 1 - we will be moving into Cornerstone!

Worship in a casual and friendly atmosphere to connect with God through traditional hymns and modern music and relevant teaching messages.

  • Music is led by Saturday Praise
  • Holy Communion is celebrated on the Saturday before the first Sunday of each month.
  • Children are always welcome in worship!


chapel cross
1st & 3rd Wednesdays* | 6:00 PM
Grimes Chapel (D-102)

*NO service on April 16 during Holy Week

A short Taizé style service of stillness, scriptural reflection (Lectio Divino), prayer, and Holy Communion.  Music is led by our Chapel Musicians

Special Worship Events

display here when available

 Our Sacraments

Baptism is a sacrament by which God claims us as His child, washes us clean as the sign of his acceptance of us, and welcomes us into the Body of Christ. It is a public confession of your faith in, and your commitment to, Jesus Christ.

 learn more

Holy Communion is a sacrament in which we remember Christ's death on the cross and allow God to sustain us and empower us for following Christ in the world. We use bread and juice to celebrate, and we practice an open table, where anyone who wants to know Jesus and celebrate this sacred meal is welcome to participate.

 learn more