Saturday, May 31, 2025, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
TW-Light Ministries presents
The Ignite Love Christian Women's Conference
Sat, May 31
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Happy State Bank Expo Hall
3785 Hwy 27, Kerrville, TX
COST: FREE, but you must reserve a spot!
TW-Light Ministries serves to encourage and build up women of all ages from teens to the twilight years in their God-given purpose in this life. Working across denominational lines and even outside the church walls in communities, the TW-Light Ministries Team brings life and light to everyone. The ministry was created to help women realize that they have a purpose on this earth, at this time, in the place they are right now no matter their age. Women are the life-blood of the family, the community and in turn the world. Women tend to invest in others and forfeit caring for themselves.
- When you reserve your spot, indicate Bethany UMC, Austin as your group on the form.
- IMPORTANT: Email Rita Thompson to let her know you are attending for coordination and transportation!