Christmas Eve Worship

Directions & Parking
Nursery available at both 5:00 & 7:00 PM worship services in Fellowship Hall, Room F-105*

Candlelight Services:

Nativity Story for Families
11:00 AM | Worship Center
Candlelight & Communion
*5:00 PM | Worship Center (Contemporary)
*7:00 PM | Worship Center (Classic)
LIVESTREAM: Facebook & YouTube 
Our Christmas Eve Offering:

It’s the season of giving! We share our Christmas offerings with mission organizations locally, regionally, globally. Specific recipients in each area will be announced soon. Our music & missions program, Noel Celebration, will also have a designated recipient.

Rest of December:

SAT, DEC 28: NO Saturday Worship - Join us for one combined service, Sunday at 10:00 AM
SUN, DEC 29 @ 10:00 AM: One Combined Service* - Nursery available in Fellowship Hall, Room F-105

*NO SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES for Kids, Students or Adults

Jan 4 & 5, 2025: Epiphany:

Resume regular worship schedule

SAT, JAN 4 - 5:00 PM Casual
SUN, JAN 5 - 8:45 AM
SUN, JAN 5 - 11:15 AM