
Greeter & Check-in Team

Hospitality & Connections

Sunday Mornings:
  • Before 8:45 AM Worship
    8:15 - 8:50 AM
  • Before 11:15 AM Worship
    10:45 - 11:20 AM

Greet your Bethany friends and guests on Sunday mornings before and after worship services.  Serve at the worship service that works best for your schedule.  Help people check-in to worship by assisting with the check-in kiosks.

Contact: Rita Thompson
Saturday Evening:
  • Before 5:00 PM Worship, Grime Chapel
    4:30 - 5:10 PM

Help make guests and members feel welcome at Saturday evening worship.  In addition to welcoming everyone, greeters help people register their attendance.

Contact: Rita Thompson or Nancy Wright



Phone Number