Daily from 11/13/2024 to 12/24/2024
Location: Bethany United Methodist Church, 10010 Anderson Mill Road, Austin, TX US 78750
Purchase a poinsettia to adorn the worship center in memory or honor of someone special.
Cost $20 for each Poinsettia
The Poinsettias will be placed in the Worship Center throughout Advent until Christmas Eve. Names of those honored or memorialized will be listed in Bethany News.
Our goal is to sell at least 120 poinsettias to decorate the church and fill in the poinsettia tree!
How to Order:
- Order in the Gathering Area. (we accept cash, checks and credit cards if you order in the Gathering Area)
- Drop off order form with payment in the church office during regular office hours. (cash or checks only)
- Order and pay online (no cash or checks for online orders)
- Poinsettias may be picked up following the Christmas Eve service.