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The Spirit was Hovering Over the Waters

The Spirit was Hovering Over the Waters

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:1-2 (NIV)

by Tom Deviney on June 28, 2023

I often think of the Holy Spirit as One who hovers.

Genesis 1 says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the primordial waters of creation while the Word spoke all things into being. We sometimes focus on the Word, who becomes flesh in Jesus Christ. But the Spirit is also present and empowering creation. I’ve become more and more aware of that over time. I’ve come to realize that every time I have experienced God doing something new or amazing, it has come after a season in which I sensed Holy Spirit “hovering” over things.

In the 1970’s, the area around Bethany was building. Anderson Mill Road was still a curvy two-lane road. As people began to build homes and settle in, the lack of any church in the area became very apparent. (Especially since it meant driving the unimproved 183 to get to any church!) A group of neighbors began discussing this and reached out to area church organizations to see if any planned to build in the area. They were told there were no plans as no one had expressed a desire for any church in the area. Feeling stuck, they discussed this disappointing news. Then, they started praying about it. Suddenly, they had a great idea. They would go door-to-door asking people what their faith affiliation was and if they would like to see a corresponding church built in the area. That information would be shared with various church organizations and, hopefully, spur the formation of some churches. And it did!

Within a few years, these neighbors’ prayerful efforts resulted in the founding of St. Thomas More Roman Catholic Church, Peace Lutheran Church, Anderson Mill Baptist Church, Pond Springs Church of Christ, Hope Presbyterian Church, and Bethany United Methodist Church. At the time, the group felt they were only doing what was necessary for their neighborhood. Later, Al Seiter would tell me he was certain God had called them and led them in their work. (Is it coincidence that Bethany’s first motto was, “A church of new beginnings”? I think not.)

Over the years, these churches have been the nucleus of the “Community Thanksgiving Service” held on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving with the offering going to bless the surrounding community through Hill Country Community Ministries. There have been several changes with some churches closing and others opening, but the core remains. The same Holy Spirit that led the establishment of these churches calls them together each year. We may not all worship the same way or hold the same positions on social issues, but we worship the same Lord, and the Holy Spirit still unites us in a common ministry.

As we celebrate Bethany’s 47th birthday July 4th (technically, but celebrated this year on July 16th), I believe the Spirit is still hovering over us. From VBS to worship to outreach to our first mission trip to Malawi, the Holy Spirit is empowering what has been and what is beginning. His presence has been palpable to me for several years, and even now, as we face upcoming decisions about the future of Bethany, I feel He is preparing to bring something new into existence in us. I don’t know what that is. But I trust Him that it will be good.

I invite you to join with us as we celebrate Bethany’s 47th birthday on July 16th. (More details to come!) I also invite you to join me in praying with and leaning into the Holy Spirit in this time. He is hovering over us and calling us into a new beginning. Trust Him that it will be good.

Be Blessed,
Tom Deviney

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