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Intentional Faith

Intentional Faith

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens - Ecclesiastes 3:1

by Wynn Stenftenagel on April 20, 2022

There is a time, there is a season, for all things.  To everything, turn, turn, turn. What season are you in now? All around us, we see signs of Spring and hopefully, prayerfully, signs that the season of pandemic is drawing to a close – Lord, hear our prayers. I was blessed to work with a group of confirmands and their mentors recently as we claimed the changing of seasons from Fall to Winter to Spring, in a taxing double yard clean up. Much work, even more natural debris, all to make way for new life after a dying season.  Our confirmands are wrapping up their season of learning that leads to their decisions to take their vows to support Bethany with their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness. They have worked hard for months and are entering new lives of faith as young adults, a rite of passage for our students becoming members of the church. Spring in the church!

My new favorite sign of Spring came on a recent Saturday.  I received the awesome gift of getting to serve in the Hands on Housing Spring Blitz of 2022, working alongside friends and strangers, Christians and Muslims, young and old.  I couldn’t help but think what a fuller vision of the Kingdom of God this experience is, where the things that separate us in the world begin to fall away. We were all neighbors sharing love and resources in a mutual time of giving glory to God with the gifts we have to bring. At the same time, I witnessed my Christian sisters and brothers being very intentional about living out their faith, living as a people who follow a resurrected Lord and Savior.  Being an Easter people – thank You, God, that we are singing Hallelujah after a long season of lament, confession, and repentance that is Lent – we were able to share Christ by serving in a needful situation, praying with others in struggles, and inviting people into the mission. Spring in the community!

We’re exploring several ways to engage more intentionally with people in loving relationships. Ministries are taking initiatives in Discipleship through classes like Alpha and small groups, in Beyond the Walls experiences outside of the church, in Missions focusing on relational connections as well as completing community support tasks.  And we’re bringing that effort into worship through our sermon series Intentional Faith.  So many ways we are seeking to more fully align with God, a striving for all of our seasons.  Spring in our lives to take into the world!

What season are you in now? How can we be together as the body of Christ at Bethany to help you spring into the new life that God has for you?

Blessings in the Journey,
Pastor Wynn

Tags: love, relationships, spring, neighbors

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