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Experiencing the Holy Spirit

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

I have seen numerous acts of physical or emotional/relational healing that cannot be explained other than a mighty act of the Spirit.

by on May 31, 2023

Way back in the 1970s, there was a charismatic wave in many of the mainline churches in the USA. I can recall that wave moving through FUMC, Corpus Christi, and receiving a very mixed reception. I knew some of the people and sat in on some of their gatherings. I didn’t understand much of what was happening. But I did know it was something very different and very special. Many people in the church were put off by this group – and sometimes they were overzealous in their sharing. Much of what they shared sounded like some of the charlatan “revivals” that had been exposed. Yet, these were people I knew and loved and something profound had undeniably come into their lives. I had to admit this was real and I found my eyes opened to a model of Christian faith that was lively and refreshing.

Since then, the Holy Spirit has made Himself known to me in many places and times. Some of those moments were miraculous. I have seen numerous acts of physical or emotional/relational healing that cannot be explained other than a mighty act of the Spirit. He has whispered things in my ear and heart. He has brought me dreams and visions that have quieted my soul. He has poured out a healing balm of love when my heart has ached. Perhaps most amazing of all, I have watched the Holy Spirit orchestrate the hearts of a community to engage in a great work of lifting up an entire community of people. And while people’s hands and hearts are making the individual sacrifices, the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of my heart to see how He is guiding and powering all of it. Americans, being the technophiles we are, tend to be reluctant to be open to Him. People in places like Kenya or Cuba greet Him and welcome Him into every aspect of their lives. And every aspect of their lives is made more amazing because He is there.

Some of those moments, however, were equally miraculous and ordinary. Thomas Michael Kelling was born March 1st with “hypoplastic left heart syndrome.” That’s the medical title for the severely underdeveloped left side of his heart. On March 6th, he had the first of the several surgeries he will need. We felt blessed to live in a city with a hospital able to offer such a surgery and to have Dr. Carlos Mery, one of the best in the world, available to do the surgery. Right before surgery, we anointed Thomas and prayed over him. When Dr. Mery came to check in with us before surgery, the Spirit nudged me to ask if we could pray over him. He and his PA both gladly agreed. We laid hands on them and prayed over both of them. When we ended, I noticed the big smile on both of their faces. At that moment, the Spirit whispered that these were the people He had chosen for Thomas’ surgery and things were going to go well. My fear and anxiety evaporated. It was a long day of surgery and waiting. But, at the end of the day, everything came out very well. In spite of having a severe heart defect and open-heart surgery, Thomas has done better than expected. Every morning, the Spirit reminds me to pray both for Thomas and for these doctors. And He keeps reminding me that He is in all of this. Something amazing will come from it. I may never understand why this is happening. I will always be amazed at these doctors’ skills and gifts. But I know that Thomas’ next surgery, in July, is in the best of hands earthly and heavenly.

Only a little less impressive has been the outpouring of love from all of you. Our children’s and grandchildren’s needs have been generously supported. So many wonderful acts of love have been shared in so many ways. Financial help, childcare, repairs, prayers, notes of support, and even dog-sitting have been provided. At first, our children were nervous and anxious about how they would manage this. But the generous love and support you have shared has eased that worry. As we delighted in each act of love, the Spirit kept whispering, “Don’t worry. I am holding them in my hand.”

As I listened and watched the “Asbury Outpouring” this spring, I sensed God’s longing for all of us to open our hearts to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In love, He so wants us with Him. I wonder if we technophile, westernized Christians can welcome Him into every aspect of our lives? And find every aspect of our lives made more amazing because He is there? Come, Holy Spirit . . .

Be Blessed,


Tags: love, holy spirit, ordinary, miraculous, outpouring

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