House of Friends (HOF) is a free weekly program for individuals with dementia who are being cared for at home by family members. It is designed to give the family caregiver a three-hour respite while the participant interacts socially with others in a highly structured but caring mode. The goal is to support the family so that facility care can be postponed. Activities include social time, active group and quiet games, arts and crafts, singing, worship, pet therapy, exercise, entertainment, small group sharing, and lunch. Smiles, hugs, and laughter abound.
To visit a session, find out about enrolling a loved one, or are seeking support and resources,
CONTACT: Susie Petersen, HOF Director
The House of Friends (HOF) is an adult care and community outreach ministry of Bethany United Methodist Church
display here when available
CONTACT: Susie Petersen, HOF Director
The House of Friends is provided at no charge to all participants. It is funded by contributions, grants and annual fundraisers. Bethany United Methodist Church provides program space and in-kind support. The program receives no monetary funding from Bethany.
We welcome all donations (which are tax-deductible). Please make checks payable to "Bethany United Methodist Church, House of Friends Program" or donate online.