Book of Genesis Bible Study

Book of Genesis Bible Study
Every Monday, from 09/09/2024 to 12/02/2024, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Book of Genesis Bible Study

Mondays, Sep 9 - Dec 2*
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Via Zoom

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LEADER: Rev. Dr. Dave Lutz, retired UMC pastor whose doctoral work was in Old Testament studies

The Book of Genesis is an exciting book of the Bible that has been studied for millennia from many different perspectives. It is a foundational work of our culture that provides glimpses into the nature of God and interactions of the deity with humankind from the beginning of time.  This two-hour course sessions via Zoom consist of a half hour lecture by Dr. Gary Rendsburg (Blanche and Irving Laurie Chair in Jewish History in the Department of Jewish Studies at Rutgers University), followed by a review of supplemental materials and an in-depth discussion led by Rev. Dr. Dave Lutz (Bethany Care Minister Emeritus). This course will result in a deeper appreciation and understanding of our holy scriptures.

Insights from the lectures will reveal:

The reasons Genesis has not one but two creation stories and the different messages each contain;
The many contradictions (real or apparent) thar appear in the pages of Genesis, and the hints they offer about its authorship;
The repeated appearances of barren women and younger sons in its stories and what these motifs stand for; and
The ordered large-scale narrative structure devised by the author(s) of the Book of Genesis to embody and convey its theological meaning.

* Course will resume after the new year

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