First Monday, Third Monday of the month, 12:00 AM
Serving all persons with family and friends who have dementia and live in the Northwest Austin Community
1st & 3rd Mondays
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
via Zoom
For access, contact Rev. Dave Lutz, 512-310-9451 or 512-876-3054
We are one of many open support groups in the greater Austin area for those who have loved ones with various forms of dementia, including Alzheimers Disease. We are sponsored by Bethany United Church in affiliation with the Alzheimers Texas. Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for care givers to meet on a monthly basis to share concerns and discuss issues they are confronted with. At least every other month specialists are invited to attend the meeting and address various topics of concern, thus providing possible solutions to the many challenges faced by care givers. We are open to anyone who is providing support, either on a daily basis or at a distance. Religious affiliation not required. All that is required is a need for support.
We are led by Rev. David A. Lutz, the Care Ministries Pastor at Bethany, and Pat Fiero, a former caregiver of a family member with Alzheimers.
For more information about the Bethany Alzheimer's & Dementia Caregivers Support Group, Contact:
Rev. Dave Lutz, 512-310-9451 or 512-876-3054
Erin Temple, Director of Care Ministries, 512-258-6017 ext. 281