Confirmation is for students in 7th - 12th grades who have not been confirmed in the United Methodist Church, and who are ready to explore making their own commitment to Christ as Savior and Lord, and are willing to faithfully attend worship, Sunday School, and Confirmation activities.
Confirmation Spring 2025
Parent Orientation (required in order to register for Confirmation)
Questions? Contact Kelli Thompson or Kate Hardin
Sun, Jan 5
5:00 PM
Media Room (D-101)
COST: $110
(if you want to use funds in your student's account contact Kate Hardin)
Registration begins in Nov
Confirmation Classes (8)
Jan 12 - Mar 30 (No classes Spring Break 3/16 & 23)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
The Cornerstone (S-100)
Includes an Overnight Retreat
Sat, Feb 8, 7:30 AM - Sun, Feb 9, Noon
Highland Lakes Camp
Mission Day
Confirmation Sunday, Apr 6
8:45 & 11:15 Worship
Students take their vows of membership during Worship services on Sunday morning
10:00 in Cornerstone:
Brunch Celebration