
2024-2025 Acolytes

Calling all 4th & 5th graders! Help bring in the light of Christ at our worship services. There will be training session in August to attend, plus 3 more classes throughout the year during special liturgical seasons. Acolyting is a great first step for kids to learn about giving back by volunteering in worship.

Our first acolyte training will be Sunday, August 25, 12:30pm in the Worship Center. Parents and acolytes should attend together. We'll have pizza and go through everything you need to know as an acolyte. If your child served as an acolyte last year, we would still like for them to attend to meet the new acolytes and help teach them what to do.

If you cannot attend on August 28, please let Lori Pierce know.

Register Here

Contact: Lori Pierce, Director of Kids Ministry