Why Play-based?

For a young child playing is learning. In fact, research has shown us that play is how children learn best. However, playing does not mean we are not intentional about our learning. At Bethany Preschool we have high expectations for our children and educators daily utilize our play-based curriculum to foster: 

Language development- At circle time, story time and music children build vocabulary, learn how to sequence, and retell stories, and practice rhyming, rhythm and syllables. This is laying the foundation for literacy and a love of reading.  

Cognitive development- In our center time and the science lab children are scientists and explore the world around them. They ask questions and learn the benefits of experimenting, hypothesizing, and observing. They learn how to identify patterns, sort, count and compare.  

Social and emotional development- Throughout the day children are learning how to communicate with others, learn to share, resolve conflicts, work cooperatively, and develop attention span and self-control.  With the guidance of our teachers, they practice making decisions and discover cause and effect from these decisions. These decision-making skills strengthen their confidence as they learn and grow. 

Physical development- On the playground and in movement class children practice their balance, coordination, and spatial awareness. During center time and art time they practice their fine motor skills and strengthen the muscles that help them color, write and build. 

Creative Expression- In every aspect of our day children are encouraged to use their imaginations to be creative and to take pride in all that they do. Children are challenged to think critically and use higher-order thinking concepts to think differently about the world. 

Positive Attitudes- A play-based curriculum creates life-long learners who have positive attitudes about learning and will actively explore and be curious about their world. Children want to go to school because it’s fun!