
Tuesday Mornings
6:30 AM - Rudy's

620 & Fourpoints
on the porch

This Class Meeting style gathering reinforces the connections we each have at Bethany. Programing includes topics of Leadership, Family and Career followed by discussion of these topics, and more. Sharing of ideas and experience benefits all participants as all perspectives are welcomed and encouraged. We are intentional about taking time to pray with each other. However, we are not too strict on the programming as this gathering is intended to be flexible for all participants.

Attendees represent a great cross-section of the congregation at Bethany. We have men both working and retired, contemporary and traditional worshipers, from several different Sunday School classes and a variety of ministries are represented. We even have some staff being a part of this group. We make it a point to get to know one another, share the good and share the struggles, pray for each other and celebrate our lives. 

For more information contact:
Neil McCulloch, 512-257-7337