Sep 22-29: The Wired Word - takes a look at current events in the news and examines them in light of Scripture.
Oct 6: Half Truths by Adam Hamilton - 5-6 week study comparing common Christian clichés with the wisdom found in Scripture.
Nov 17: Faith is the Answer, But What are the Questions? by James Moore- a look at some common questions we grapple with in daily life with the end of goal of building our faith.
Covenant, Rm. D-203/204
Going on now: A Biblical Understanding of Holy Spirit Today - Exploring some ways the Church’s witness has changed within our context and some uneasiness that change has brought about in believers. This study acknowledges our unsettling times and looks to God’s presence, the Holy Spirit, for guidance.
Discover, Rm. D-209/210
Beginning Sep 15: Simon Peter: Flawed But Faithful Disciple by Adam Hamilton - a study that covers the life of Simon Peter from the time before he meets Jesus until his death. Peter is mentioned in the Bible more times than all the other disciples combined, which is why this study is key to our understanding of his place of importance in early Christianity.
Constant Seekers, Rm. D-213
Going on now: How Jesus Became God - a series of lectures by distinguished scholar of Christianity and New York Times best-selling author, Professor Bart Ehrman. He develops the inquiry with meticulous research and in-depth analysis of texts and reveals that the theological understanding of Jesus as God came about through a complex series of factors and events.
Friendship, Rm. D-105 (Ministry Center)
Going on now: God Never Gives Up on You by Max Lucado - a look at the up-and-down life of Jacob, his differences, and his struggles with Esau and Laban.
Interpreters. Rm. D-206/207
Beginning Sep 15: Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times by Adam Hamilton – a 5-session DVD study that encourages Christians to let go of fear and worry, live in hope and serenity amidst an anxious age, and embrace Jesus' recurring advice: "Do not be afraid."
LIFE!, Rm. D-302/303
Beginning Sep 15: Stressed Out, a Serendipity Study - 7 sessions discussing different types of stress we experience in our lives and exploring ways the Bible teaches us how to deal with them.
Reflect and Revive, Rm. D-300/301
Beginning Sep 15: The New Testament You Never Knew - Do you know the real story behind the New Testament? We all share a fascination for discovering “the rest of the story.” We enjoy learning the behind-the-scenes facts about seemingly familiar events.
Searchers, Rm. D-304/306
Sep 15-29: Sermon on the Mount by Rabbi Levine – a DVD study by Rabbi Levine. Lessons include: Practicing Piety, Our Father (the Lord’s Prayer), and Finding Your Treasure.
The Wired Word, Rm. D-211
Beginning Sep 15: The Wired Word - every week we take a look at current events in the news and examines them in light of Scripture.