Easter Butterflies

Bethany Contact:
Carla Young

Hand-craft small butterflies to give away and to share with others as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection, Hope, Joy and Love. This is an out-reach ministry - butterflies will be used as a way to invite people to our Easter services and will be given to those who are shut-in and for other reasons, are unable or don't attend Bethany's Easter Services.

History of the Bethany Easter Butterflies

Types of Volunteers Needed:
  • Those who can crochet to make the traditional crocheted butterflies*
  • Those who can do crafts to make the new styles (paper) butterflies.
  • Those who are able and willing to help assemble the butterflies.
  • Volunteers needed Easter morning to hand out the butterflies.
  • Volunteers to help raise funds for the butterflies supplies - Donate to Designated Fund #31928.

*Crochet Butterfly Pattern & Instructions

How to Volunteer:

Contact Carla Young, 512-506-9150
Hand craft or crochet the butterflies at home throughout the year. During Lent, volunteers are needed to help assemble the butterflies and attach on cards. Volunteers are needed to help hand out butterflies. Instead of handing out butterflies at the doors, we may be handing out butterflies at tables near the doors

Current Projects/Dates:

All year until Easter, crafters and crocheters are needed to make the small butterflies, in your free time at home. Contact us for information and materials.

Butterfly Workshop & Meeting Dates:

Dates sent via Email. Send your email and phone number if you are interested in helping carry on this Bethany Easter Tradition. This is an opportunity to create butterflies with many working together, all ages and sizes, and then share the Joy of butterflies as they represent Jesus'
Resurrection and Hope!

History of the Bethany Easter Butterflies

A History of Bethany's Easter Butterflies

Butterflies have been a part of Bethany’s Easter tradition ever since a particularly inspiring Easter banner graced the brick walls of the Fellowship Hall, before we had an actual sanctuary. This banner, so skillfully designed and sewn, presented a broken cross with countless, beautiful butterflies flying out of the brokenness. From Death came Life and Rebirth!

Inspired by the banner, the tradition of giving butterflies at Easter began. The first butterflies were made of tissue paper. Unfortunately, these stained clothing if they got wet. To solve that problem, our associate pastor at the time, Pastor Victoria Bailey, suggested crocheted butterflies like those often given to participants on Emmaus Walks and Chrysalis Flights. Betty Scott took up the challenge and crocheted more butterflies than can possibly be counted during her many years of service! She recruited others to help crochet to ensure very person who attended on Easter Sunday would receive a hand-crocheted butterfly. As the idea evolved, it was decided that the crocheted butterflies should be pinned to a card and handed out at Easter worship services.Today, a variety of butterfly styles are created, so each card contains a unique, hand-made butterfly along with Scripture and a lovely poem written by Pauline Lacy.

Each year, teams of volunteers to create 3000 butterflies throughout the year. The butterflies are given as a free gift to all who attend Easter worship at Bethany, an expression of God’s love, freely given to us through Jesus Christ.